Griswold Care Pairing for Scarsdale & Yonkers Change Location

Date: December 8, 2023

Author: Robert Kreek

If you have a senior parent that is aging in place, there’s a good chance that they either have or will develop one of these common health conditions. But that doesn’t mean your senior parent can’t continue to live happily and safely at home. With home care seniors who have a wide range of medical conditions can continue to live at home. Home care provides the extra support that seniors need to continue aging in place.

Not all seniors will develop these conditions, but because the risk of developing these conditions increases with age, seniors and their families should know the symptoms. According to research these five medical conditions are very common among seniors:


Arthritis and Osteoarthritis affect millions of seniors. Seniors who have arthritis have inflammation and pain in their joints that can make movement very painful. Seniors with arthritis often experience stiffness and a reduced ability to move easily. Doing everyday tasks like opening drawers or cupboards, brushing their teeth, or even turning on lamps can be difficult for seniors who have arthritis. Home care helps seniors who have arthritis with cleaning, cooking, and other household chores.

Cardiovascular Diseases

There are several different heart-related conditions that impact seniors. Hypertension, hardening of the arteries, heart failure, heart attack, and stroke are all grouped together as cardiovascular diseases. It’s important for seniors to make healthy lifestyle choices like eating healthy meals and getting exercise everyday to help lower their risk of cardiovascular disease.

Neurological Disorders

Neurological conditions like Alzheimer’s disease, Lewy Bodu Dementia, Parkinson’s disease, and memory and cognitive decline related to age are the most common neurological disorders that seniors experience. While there is no way to prevent cognitive decline or neurological disease most neurological diseases are progressive. That means seniors can slow down the progression of the disease by doing things like taking medication and actively using their cognitive skills to learn hobbies, do activities, and engage with people.


Osteoporosis is more common in women than men, but it can affect any senior. Seniors that have osteoporosis have weak and brittle bones that can break very easily. Seniors with osteoporosis are more prone to falls, and they are more likely to break a bone when they do fall. Painful hip fractures are very common in seniors who have osteoporosis. Seniors should make sure they are eating plenty of foods that have calcium and Vitamin D as well as doing strength-training exercises to help keep their bones strong.


Diabetes is extremely common among seniors. Seniors who are overweight, seniors who smoke, and seniors who are older than age 70 all have increased risks of developing diabetes. Untreated diabetes or diabetes that isn’t well-managed can cause seniors to have severe nerve pain as well as increasing their risk for blindness and heart disease. It’s important for seniors who have diabetes or have a high risk of diabetes to exercise regularly and eat a healthy low-carb diet.


Date: December 8, 2023