Griswold Care Pairing for Scarsdale & Yonkers Change Location

Date: February 12, 2021

Author: Robert Kreek

Is your elderly loved one unsure of what to do with their life now that they are retired? Not working can be difficult for many senior citizens. Most senior citizens are used to working and being away from home. However, now that your elderly loved one is stuck at home, they may need help with their financial, emotional, spiritual, and social well-being. The good news is there are many successful aging tips that you and elder care providers can help with.

Being Active

One of the successful aging tips that would be good for your elderly loved one is to make sure they are active. You and the elder care providers can help with this. You can encourage your elderly loved one to exercise daily, walk around their house every hour or so, and take part in fun activities that the family does. If there are neighborhood get-togethers, those would be a great way for your elderly loved to be more active, as well.

Eating Right

Another great successful aging tip for your elderly loved one is to eat right. Senior citizens should make sure their diet is filled with the proper nutrients. They need to get plenty of vitamins and minerals to stay healthy. You and the elder care providers should encourage your elderly loved one to eat more whole grains, vegetables, and fruits. You should encourage them to drink more water daily, as well, if they aren’t already drinking enough of it. If your elderly loved one can’t go grocery shopping on their own, you or an elder care provider can help them to get the healthy groceries that they need.

Brain Development Exercises

To keep the brain healthy and active, your elderly loved one should be doing some brain development exercises. These are exercises that challenge their mind. This could include learning something new, doing puzzles, reading books, and playing games that stimulate the brain. Learning how to play a musical instrument can help with this, as well. If your elderly loved one would like company while they are doing these activities, you can hire elder care providers for them.


These are some of the successful aging tips for your elderly loved one. If you are concerned about how your elderly loved one is doing now that they are retired, these are some of the tips that you can share with them. Between you and the elder care providers you hire, things should be looking up for your loved one. These tips will help them to stay healthier and have a better quality of life, as well.
