Four Essential Tips for Providing Care in Late-Stage Alzheimer’s

Late-stage Alzheimer’s is a challenging time for family caregivers. Your parent may stop talking. Mobility issues are highly apparent, and your parent may no longer have control of the bladder or bowel. Here are the tips you need to ensure you provide the best care possible in the final stages of Alzheimer’s disease.
Find Ways to Connect
Connecting with a parent in the late stages of Alzheimer’s can be more challenging. Your parent may no longer talk. If your mom or dad does, it may be garbled phrases.
Speak slowly when you do talk. It’s harder for your parent to process what you say, so keep your sentences to a few words. Be calm, and don’t show agitation or frustration if your mom or dad seems confused.
Music is often a valuable way to connect. You don’t have to say anything. Put on music and see what kind of effect it has. You could sing to your parent or dance around and have your parent join you if possible.
You may find putting on an old movie or TV show is a better way to connect. Your parent may not talk much, but laughter during a show will help you connect, even if a discussion isn’t possible.
Help Your Parent Move Around
Bedsores and pressure sores are a risk if your parent isn’t moving around much. You need to help your parent move around in bed and when sitting in a chair or wheelchair. It’s best to move your parent every couple of hours to avoid these sores.
Ask a doctor if it would be beneficial to have your mom or dad work with a physical therapist. If it’s approved, take time to learn the exercises used to work the muscles to help prevent pain and stiffness.
Switch to Finger Foods
If your parent is having a more challenging time using a fork or spoon, switch to finger foods. Finger sandwiches, miniature quiches, fish sticks, chicken nuggets, cheese sticks, yogurt drinks, and thin vegetables help your mom or dad with meals. As chewing and swallowing become harder to manage, nutritional shakes may be a better option.
Never Lose Track of Your Care Needs
A parent with Alzheimer’s does need 24/7 care and attention. You cannot lose track of your own care in the process. Hire home care aides to help out. When a caregiver is with your mom or dad, take time to do things for yourself.
Home care services provide the break you need to visit your friends, go out with your spouse, spend time with your children, or have a lazy day at home. Call a home care specialist and learn more about respite care and Alzheimer’s care services.
Date: September 24, 2021