Going on vacation? Leave your loved ones in the care of trained professionals.

Did you make a resolution to make more “me” time in the New Year? If you’re caring for an elderly family member that might seem more like fantasy than something that can actually become a reality.
If the thought of going on vacation leaves you wondering who will take care of your parents, you can breathe a sigh of relief because there are home care services that can help you realize your dream. In some instances, taking a vacation might be just the break you and your parents need. You’ll get some much deserved downtime, and your parents will get a home caregiver to make sure they have what they need to stay happy and healthy. It’s a winning situation for everyone.
Preparing for your vacation will require careful planning but done right, you can get away for a weekend, a week – or even longer. The first step is to figure out how to make it happen. Griswold Home Care has many care options available so you can find the right solution for you and your elderly loved one.
Who is going to cover while you’re away? Do you have a relative or family friend who can fill in for you – perhaps a sibling? If not, you can hire a home caregiver to stay with your loved one. A caregiver can visit at regularly scheduled times to assist with various activities to make sure they have what they need to stay comfortable at home. Be sure to introduce the caregiver to your parent well in advance so they can start to get comfortable with each other.
If your parent already has a daytime caregiver, you could consider hiring them to stay over while you are away. This is a great solution as your parent is already comfortable with this person.
How will you stay in touch while you are away? Before you leave for vacation, it’s best to come up with a plan as to how you will stay in touch during your trip. Will you want daily updates? Will you be available if the home caregiver has questions? What constitutes an emergency? It will work best for you and the home caregiver if you are both on the same page about how you will communicate while you are away.
What if you have caregiver guilt? As a caregiver, it’s normal to feel some guilt about taking a vacation. Just remind yourself that you deserve a vacation. When you return home, you’ll have all sorts of adventures from your time away to share with your parent. They might also have a few of their own to share, too.
If all goes well with a home caregiver while you’re away, it might be a good idea to keep that setup going. It will give you some continuity with being able to take a break and it gives your loved one exposure to other people who can also help to care for them.
Planning a trip? Reach out to the Griswold Home Care Metrowest-Boston office at (781) 559-0073 so we can match your parent to the right home caregiver.
Date: February 15, 2023