Date: May 10, 2022

Author: Griswold Home Care of Metrowest Boston


It’s easy to get confused when talking about in-home care vs. a nursing home while considering the best care options for a senior loved one. More often than not people don’t understand the difference and will confuse the two, sometimes even mixing the terms up. The fact of the matter is that many things set them apart and these two types of care are quite different. Understanding the difference between the two will allow you to make the best decision possible for your elderly loved ones.

Both in-home care and long-term care facilities have their pros and cons. Each situation is going to be different, so understanding the needs of your elderly loved one is going to greatly help you when it comes to making this decision. Some of the major things to consider are:

  • The cost of care
  • The amount of care your loved one will require
  • Does your loved one require specialized medical care?
  • Will your loved one have enough people around to keep them company when a caregiver isn’t there?

Keep a Loved One At Home with In-Home Care

Home care will allow your loved ones to stay in their homes while receiving the care they require. This choice can be less disruptive to your family, especially if your elderly loved one has dementia or Alzheimer’s disease. In-home care typically allows your loved one to form a bond with a caregiver, allowing them to feel more comfortable while being in familiar surroundings. Keeping your loved ones in their home will help them stay independent and they will still be required to perform basic tasks on their own or with the help of a home caregiver rather than turning all of their basic needs over to nursing home professionals.

Griswold Home Care customizes care plans for each individual so you can be sure your loved one is getting the attention they need and you’re only paying for what’s required. Different services we offer include companion care, personal care, live-in care, and more. Every plan starts with an initial consultation so we can learn about your specific needs and match your elder loved one with a caregiver they can connect with.

Long-term Care Facilities

Nursing homes are long-term care facilities that provide housing to senior loved ones. Nurses and aides are available 24/7 for them should a situation arise. Nursing homes are a good option for elderly loved ones who cannot care for themselves but are healthy enough to not have to stay in a hospital. If the decision is made to enter a long-term care facility, then all responsibilities of care will be passed on to that facility. Full-time care in a nursing home is expensive, it can be close to twice the cost of having an in-home caregiver take care of a senior family member.

Find the Right Caregiver

Making sure you understand exactly what your loved one needs and including them in the conversation when making decisions about senior care is essential. Finding a senior care option that allows them to stay as independent as possible while getting the care they need will help keep them happy and healthy. Contact Griswold Home Care Worcester at (508) 917-6649 to learn more about how a home caregiver can help a senior in your family.

Date: May 10, 2022
