Griswold Care Pairing for Scarsdale & Yonkers Change Location

Date: May 10, 2024

Author: Robert Kreek

Home Care in Harrison NY

If your mom wants to continue living in her home as she ages, she may be reluctant to let you know that she needs help around the house. Often, seniors try to hide it when they are having a hard time doing all the things necessary for them to live at home. Seniors may not want to worry their families or be told what they can and cannot do.

But needing help doesn’t mean that your mom can’t live alone. It just means that she needs some help. As your mom gets older she struggles with household tasks because of poor mobility, pain in her hands or fingers, or age-related problems like low vision.

If you think that your mom might need some help, home care is a good option. With home care your mom will have the support she needs to continue living in her home, but you will feel better knowing someone is there to help her when she needs it.

Even if your mom isn’t telling you that she needs home care if you see any of these signs she could probably use some helping hands at home:

The House Looks Cluttered

If your mom has always been someone who appreciates neatness, but the house is getting very cluttered it could be that your mom needs home care. A home care provider can take care of the daily tidying up like picking up blankets and folding them, putting away mail, organizing books and magazines, putting away dishes, or putting away clothes.

Your Mom Is Forgetting Things

Increased forgetfulness, confusion, or disorientation could be a sign of a health problem or it could just mean that your mom needs some help at home. If your mom can’t remember things like when she ate last, if she took her medication, or other important things she could benefit from having a home care provider checking on her regularly.

Unexplained Bruises or Injuries

If you notice that your mom has a lot more bruises than usual, or if she is starting to fall repeatedly, she needs home care. It could be that her mobility is getting worse, or she could be having trouble getting around the house. Even low vision can contribute to an increase in injuries at home. Home care can help your mom avoid injuring herself at home.

Poor Hygiene or Personal Care

Dignity is very important to seniors. So, if your mom is unkempt, smells like she hasn’t showered recently, has greasy hair, or wears the same clothes all the time she may be having trouble with hygiene tasks and doesn’t want to tell you about it. If you notice that her hygiene has changed, talk to her about home care.

Weight Loss or Changes in Eating Habits

Significant weight loss or changes in eating habits, such as skipping meals, hoarding food, or forgetting to eat altogether, which could indicate nutritional issues or difficulty preparing meals. With home care your mom will have someone in the house with her daily to help her cook nutritious meals.

If you or an aging loved one are considering home care in Harrison, NY, please contact the caring staff at Griswold Home Care for Scarsdale & Yonkers today. (914) 337-5028.

Date: May 10, 2024