Date: May 23, 2024

Author: Kathleen Boziwick


When family Caregivers can’t be there with the seniors they love as much as they wish they could, it can be incredibly frustrating when those seniors need more help. Home care assistance can do a lot to support both family caregivers and seniors when long-distance caregiving is the way things have to be. Home care offers a variety of types of hands-on support and other benefits, too.

Hands-on Support

Because family Caregivers can’t be there in person, they’re not there to do tasks for seniors like handle the laundry or make sure they have groceries. Home care providers can take over those tasks, though. They’re able to help with personal care tasks, household tasks, transportation assistance, and so much more. This offers a lot of relief for both family Caregivers and seniors, because they don’t have to figure out how to make it work from far away.

Help with ADLs

ADLs, or activities of daily living, are the areas that often become more difficult for seniors as they age. These are tasks like preparing meals, eating, getting dressed, grooming, toileting, and more. Home care assistance is there to offer the help seniors need with these types of tasks, ensuring that seniors are safe and that their needs are met each day.

Regular Updates

It’s so difficult for family caregivers to know what’s really going on with their aging family members. They may talk with their seniors and ask the right questions, but that’s not the same as having eyes on the situation themselves. Home care assistance understands what family caregivers need to know and makes sure that seniors have the updates they need to make informed decisions.

Companionship and Social Support

Social isolation and loneliness are very real problems for aging adults. And when family caregivers and other family members live far away, that can be even more of a problem for aging adults. Elder care providers aren’t just there to offer hands-on assistance. They also spend a lot of time with seniors, offering them the social engagement and companionship that they need and can enjoy.

Emergency Help

If something should happen, it’s a terrible feeling for family Caregivers to know that they’re too far away to help. Home care providers can be right there with seniors, watching for situations that might become emergent. In so many cases, the presence of home care assistance can help to make sure that emergencies are far less likely to happen. Should something occur, family caregivers can count on home care providers to get in touch with them right away and make sure they have all of the most important information as soon as possible.

Home care assistance can make it possible for long-distance family Caregivers to continue to give caregiving their all. Just because they live far away, that doesn’t mean that family Caregivers can’t be there for the seniors that they love. Families can maintain meaningful connections and ensure that their seniors have the emotional and hands-on support that they truly need.

If you or an aging loved one are considering home care assistance in Gramercy, NY, please contact the caring staff at Griswold Care Pairing for Manhattan today @ (212) 845-9854.

Date: May 23, 2024
