Date: August 11, 2020

Author: Jane Rabinovitz


Keep a Loved One Engaged with Companion Care

Companion Care is one of our most popular services available at Griswold Home Care. Companion Care offers a special type of personalized care that is tailored to make sure a loved one stays sharp and has someone to interact with. We understand the challenges that come with old age and are flexible to the needs of your loved one. The pillars of our Companion Care Service are compassion, friendship, and emotional support.

Attitude and outlook on life have a direct impact on health. Having someone to regularly visit and interact with your loved one at home will give them something to look forward to and help them release stress and stay engaged. We understand it can be tough to juggle your family, job, and other responsibilities so we offer Companion Care to ensure a loved one in your family is staying socially engaged.

Loneliness and solitude can be incredibly dangerous for elderly members of our families. Depression and anxiety yield overall negative health and negative momentum. Friendship is valuable for people of all ages and can be particularly valuable for seniors who don’t have the same number of connections as they used to. Companion Care from Griswold Home Care is intended to give a loved one someone to socialize with at home to give them the support they need. Interacting with others can help diffuse stress a loved one is feeling and ensure they’re receiving the social attention they need.

Our services cover:

  • Everyday assistance with household chores, projects, and activities
  • Medication prompts and reminders to help your loved one stay on top of their medical responsibilities
  • Transportation to get your loved one to appointments they need to be
  • Physical Movement to make sure your loved one is physically active
  • Groceries, meal prep, and cooking throughout the day
  • Everyday chores like laundry and housing upkeep

The mission of caregivers at Griswold Home Care is to provide your loved one with compassionate care to support their independence and livelihood. With over 20 years of service, we can confidently say your family will be in great hands.

Date: August 11, 2020
