Date: October 28, 2021

Author: Kathleen Boziwick

Independence is everything to a person. As your dad gets older, one of his biggest fears is that he’ll lose his independence as his health changes. Don’t let him worry. Even if his abilities change, home care helps him maintain his independence.

It Offers Companionship

When your dad has caregivers helping out, he has regular companions stopping by to keep him company. He has someone to join on walks, watch movies with, or chat with him. He won’t be lonely or feel isolated when he has caregivers stopping by.

He’s Less Likely to Fall

Is your dad prone to falling? Has he fallen while getting in or out of the shower? Home care aides are there to support him while he gets in and out of the shower, his bed, or stands up after sitting.

He may take medications that cause dizziness. His caregivers can stay with him after he takes his pills. If he does experience side effects, his caregiver is there for peace of mind.

It Helps Him With Medications

Has your dad ever forgotten to take his heart medications? It’s concerning, but there’s an easy solution. Arrange to have home care aides remind him that it’s time to take his pill. Caregivers can remind him when to take his medication, what he needs to take it with, and when it’s time to order a refill.

He’ll Eat Well

Your dad’s habits may have him eating frozen pizzas and canned soup each day. With caregivers available to cook his meals, he’ll eat well and have the essential nutrients each day. His caregivers can also remind him to drink plenty of water throughout the day, eliminating the chance of dehydration.

Caregivers Handle the Driving

Your dad’s not limited to his house just because he doesn’t drive anymore. Have his caregiver drive him to the senior center, local stores and businesses, and his doctor’s office. He’s able to go out, but he’s not the one driving.

He Has Someone Keeping His House Clean and Organized

Finally, your dad’s home is clean and organized. That lowers the risk of bacterial growth on surfaces, keeping him healthier. And, it helps him avoid falls caused by too much clutter on the floors.

How do you do all of this? It’s time to talk about home care and the help caregivers offer. Talk to a home care expert to learn more about these and other services. Once you know the best care plan for your dad’s needs, schedule caregiver visits.

Date: October 28, 2021