International No What Day?

In case you need convincing that there is a "day" for just about everything, today is International No Diet Day.
What? No joke! International No Diet Day was started in 1992 to celebrate the variety of body types. It was in response to all the dieting and general dissatisfaction with our own bodies.
If you know me well, you know I am all for a day where we are encouraged to eat whatever we want. I love food!
I also know that our tendency is to be way more critical of our own physical appearance than we are of others. We are disgusted by curves, bumps and bulges in our own body we don’t even notice in others.
So, celebrate three ways today. One, eat something you love and don’t feel guilty about it — unless your doctor has warned you not to eat it. Two, celebrate by hearing me say that you are fearfully and wonderfully made. You are beautiful! And three, tell your friends how beautiful they are! They need to hear it.
Happy International No Diet Day!
Date: May 6, 2021