A Poem for Mom for Mother’s Day

This has been a heavy year. I know many of you have lost your moms, often without being able to say goodbye. In honor and memory of all moms and the many gifts they pass on to their children of far more value than silver and gold…
Mom, You Are Part of What I’ve Become
Much of who we later become
is shaped by the one called Mom or Mum.
My love of home was formed this way.
I knew home as a refuge, where peace was to reign.
Mom defined family as arms open wide,
Not only to kin, but to those outside.
Our home grew richer from a family of four.
When her love expanded to include three more.
She taught me compassion includes more than the heart.
That concern for others is only the start.
Her compassion joined with arms and feet,
With a readiness to see what needs she could meet.
Her grateful heart stands out from the rest,
As its beauty shone brightly in the midst of a test.
Praying the night before surgery for Dad.
For the love of her life whose prognosis was bad.
She acknowledged this surgery might be the end
of life on this earth for her husband and friend.
"If these few years together are all we are given
I’ve enjoyed a rare love this side of heaven"
She said this not with vanity or pride,
But a heart full of thanks for her time as a bride.
And she gifted me a heart that could be thankful for
my Dad’s presence with us for seven years more.
Thank you Mom for all you have done
To shape me and mold me into who I’ve become.
I pray as a Mom that I will pass along.
Such gifts to my girl and a heart filled with song.
Date: May 9, 2021