Griswold Care Pairing for Tampa Change Location
Welcome to the Tampa Pasco Caregiver Blog

Up until now, all of the articles in this section have been created by our corporate office. Starting today, we will be including pieces that we have created specifically for our local community. Here is a sample from the first of four articles we wrote a while back for a local newspaper to give you an idea of what to expect.
Five interesting caregiving facts:
- One in four of us are now involved with caregiving for a spouse, family member, or friend.
- One in eight of us is a member of the sandwich generation, raising a child while also caring for an aging parent.
- The two percentages quoted above are only going to increase:
- Alzheimer’s, just one of many other diseases resulting in the need for constant care, is estimated to affect 1 in 10 Americans aged 65 and older and nearly one in two aged 85 and older.
- The segment of the population aged 65 is set to double within the next 25 years and the segment 85 and older is now the fastest growing in the US.
- We are living longer. Living longer has also created new challenges for those in their forties and fifties, the sandwich generation. They are raising their own children, and are now challenged with balancing care for their parents as well.
- Lastly, families are living further apart from each other – often thousands of miles away – making it harder to find support within the family unit.
These trends are creating the need for us to learn more about senior issues and the tools for helping people age more gracefully and safely. Stay tuned. More to come.
Griswold Home Care… We give people the help they need to live in the place they love.
Date: November 1, 2019