Homelessness Among the Elderly

According to the National Coalition for the Homeless, there is a troubling statistic among people between the ages of 50-64. There is an upward trend in the proportion of homelessness among the elderly. Unfortunately, people between the ages of 50 and 64 can fall through the cracks when it comes to receiving help from the government … Continued

Downsizing Tips for Seniors

Moving into a smaller space or simply decluttering for seniors can be quite the chore. Whether you’re downsizing your home to make space or downsizing for retirement, we’ll provide you with all of the tools you’ll need. What is Downsizing? Downsizing is when you move into a home smaller than the one you currently live … Continued

What is a Silver Alert?

We hope you never have to file a missing person report, but if you are in a situation that warrants one, it is important to understand the type of report you need to file, and the information you must provide to create active silver alerts. A missing person report is difficult both for the law … Continued

Fever in the Elderly: When to Worry

For healthy young adults, an occasional fever is usually nothing to worry about. But fever in elderly adults can indicate a wide range of problems, can be the first sign of a serious health problem, or otherwise be far more serious for seniors. So what’s considered a high fever in the elderly, and when should … Continued

Managing Diabetes in the Elderly

Diabetes affects people of all age groups but the senior population experiences it the most. In this post, we will discuss the symptoms of diabetes in elderly adults, managing diabetes in the elderly, and other pieces of useful information about diabetes and the elderly. Diabetes in the Elderly: Statistics Why is diabetes more common in … Continued

Brain Exercises for Seniors and Older Adults

There is no denying that our memory fades with age. It may be more difficult than it used to be to remember someone’s name, or you may find yourself struggling to come up with a word you know you use every day. While this is a natural part of aging, it is also extremely frustrating. … Continued

Frail Elderly Syndrome: What is Frailty in the Elderly?

Aging involves a lot of changes to the body. For most adults, bone density peaks around age 30, then it starts a steady decline which continues for the remainder of our lives. In our 40’s, it’s normal to start undergoing gradual age-related muscle loss, called sarcopenia. Our skin becomes thinner, our eyes less acute, our … Continued

Leg Cramps in Elderly Adults

As you age, your tendons naturally shorten and result in leg muscle cramps. These cramps are more likely to occur at night (in fact, 75% of reported leg cramps occur during this time) while you’re trying to sleep and can make it quite challenging to rest. Nearly every adult older than 50 will experience them … Continued

Malnutrition in Elderly Adults

Malnutrition in elderly adults can be a serious condition if it is not recognized and treated. Malnutrition in the aging community is not always detected easily. Older adults naturally tend to eat less, and many lose interest in food. A diminished appetite can be dismissed as a normal part of aging. Food preferences change and … Continued

How to Help the Elderly Cope with Grief

Grief is a challenging emotion with which to cope at any age. The sense of loss and feelings of loneliness that often accompany grief can be overwhelming. While grief is often associated with death and loss of a loved one, it is an emotion that can follow any major life change. Grief in elderly adults, … Continued